Kurt Nimmo
May 6, 2010
May 6, 2010
In California, now considered by many to be a de facto part of Mexico, it is racist to wear a stars and stripes t-shirt on Cinco de Mayo.
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“Five Morgan Hill, California students were asked to take off their American flag bandannas and turn their T-shirts inside out after students complained,” reports The New York Daily News. “Many members of Live Oak High School’s large Mexican-American student population that felt it was offensive for the students to wear the American flag on a day that’s supposed to celebrate Mexican heritage.”
Cinco de Mayo is not a Mexican holiday. It is celebrated in the United States and the small Mexican state of Puebla. Cinco de Mayo is basically a celebration of the ongoing Mexican take-over of the American Southwest.
Public education authorities in California are punishing the students (one of the malefactors happens to be of Hispanic heritage) in order to send a message — American patriotism will not be tolerated in Aztlán, the imaginary ancestral homeland of the Aztecs hyped by Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, or MEChA for short. Republica del Norte, including California, is a racist state where el Plan de San Diego is the social contract (the Plan of San Diego calls for a no-quarter race war with summary execution of all white males over the age of sixteen).
MEChA’s sister organization is La Raza, Spanish for “The Race.” La Raza claims it is not affiliated with MEChA, but the organization pushes the same Mexican supremacist agenda, as its very name and slogan indicates: “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada,” or all for the race, nothing for people outside of the race, although La Raza claims they do not promote this racist motto.
Most Americans of Mexican ancestry do not support this racist nonsense, but the globalists do. The “philanthropic” Ford Foundation and the banksters (through Citigroup) fund La Raza.
Aztlán supporters are merely useful idiots working for the one world agenda. Once the globalist agenda is complete, the bankers and their bureaucratic functionaries will not tolerate an Aztlán enclave carved out of the Southwest. Nationalism will become a capital crime, including Mexican nationalism.
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